
안녕하세요 오늘은 NASA에서 어떤 우주의 모습을 비춰줄까요?
먼저 사진부터 감상하시죠!


이 사진의 제목은 EHT Resolves Central Jet from Black Hole in Cen A 입니다. NASA에서 공식적으로 제공한 설명을 보시죠.


How do supermassive black holes create powerful jets? To help find out, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) imaged the center of the nearby active galaxy Centaurus A. The cascade of featured inset images shows Cen A from it largest, taking up more sky than many moons, to its now finest, taking up only as much sky as an golf ball on the moon. The new image shows what may look like two jets -- but is actually two sides of a single jet. This newly discovered jet-edge brightening does not solve the jet-creation mystery, but does imply that the particle outflow is confined by a strong pressure -- possibly involving a magnetic field. The EHT is a coordination of radio telescopes from around the Earth -- from the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory in Hawaii USA, to ALMA in Chile, to NOEMA in France, and more. The EHT will continue to observe massive, nearby black holes and their energetic surroundings.


오늘도 광활한 우주 앞에 인간이 얼마나 작은 존재인지 깨닫게 되네요.
저는 내일도 더 좋은 사진과 함께 돌아오겠습니다, 행복한 지구여행 되세요!



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